Detox and heal from the mRNA Covid injection
Science... what is it?
The American Heritage Dictionary defines it as:
"the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena."
In essence, actual science is on-going, continuous and forever seeking to explore, grow and evolve.
With an open heart and curious mind, I come to you, dear reader, with science, specifically about the COVID-19 injection. I purposefully use the word injection (interchangeable with jab) as it's not a vaccine due to the mRNA nanotechnology used in it. Government and health authorities changed the definition of a 'vaccine' midway through the campaign rollout.
My intention is to offer hope, options and a path to natural health and recovery. This is what I wish for every loving human participating on this planet.
The data showing the harm this injection has done and continues to do is being censored by mainstream and social media.
This jab has already done so much damage, such as;
Heart attacks
"Turbo" cancers, and
Increased death rates among Australians
According to VAERS, a federally regulated database of adverse reactions, there were more deaths in 2021 than in the previous thirty years combined. There's lots of information coming out from overseas that can sometimes not feel relevant to us here, but lucky we have brave Australian doctors sharing what they're finding. This gives us stats and data (scientific proof) that makes it all the more real and serious.
North Queensland GP Melissa McCann has done a thorough investigation into the adverse events and deaths caused by the jab. In Dr Melissa's correspondence with the TGA, they have admitted that several previously healthy young children died of COVID-19 injection-induced myocarditis. However, the TGA "don't want to go public with these cases to keep the vaccine campaign going without 'vaccine hesitancy' among a public who are witnessing countless injuries, disabilities, and deaths with repeated injections."
Watch Dr Melissa McCann's full talk here.*
Real science is not funded by a company or industry with an invested interest in the outcome.
Fortunately, there are a plethora of amazing humans out there who give a voice to the injured and aware. Two of these are:
Jab Injuries Australia who has 118K followers and over 400 stories on its website about people who have been injured or died from the jab.
Forest Of The Fallen is a silent display of those who have lost their lives to the COVID-19 injection.
If you're suffering out there, you're not alone. Sending you love, big hugs and my commitment to help find and share solutions to naturally heal.
The adverse affects of the covid-jab impacts our relationships and our ability to live a healthy whole life with the people we love.
Below in my podcast interview you'll see blood microscopy of the covid19 injection, plus ways to detoxify and heal!
To explain these findings, I'm grateful to introduce Kathy, a qualified naturopath, medical herbalist, and kinesiologist who has worked for over 20 years in South Australia. Before this, she was a Midwife and Nurse for around 20 years also, so Kathy can see this from every angle, offering a holistic view and approach, which is rare. More than anything, Kathy is passionate and dedicated to the philosophy of natural healing, which is music to my soul.
Watch our full chat here.
Kathy takes us through what she's seeing in her practice, showing examples from live & dried blood microscopy.
Below is a glimpse into what Kathy shows us in our talk.
Healthy red and white blood cells with clear plasma
This is what healthy red and white blood cells look like, free-floating and separate. Photo on the right shows a healthy ratio of red to white blood cells.
Hydro-gel structures
In Kathy's 40-plus years of blood analysis, she has never seen the presence of these unusual structures and multicoloured cells in the blood. The potential implications of these structures could be causing blockages and clotting in major organs.
The disparity between healthy cells and the hydro-gels presenting themselves highlights the need for further scientific investigation!
Kathy has been working with clients to help them detoxify these hydro-gels and has seen positive results, and she has only just started finding natural remedies to help people detox and heal!
Kathy shares what's working to help heal the injured at the end of our talk. Watch here.
We're both passionate about finding natural antioxidants for detoxification, encouraging a healthy lifestyle, and using natural herbs and foods. Kathy is running a research project with a kinesiologist and potentially another modality to test whether these natural remedies are helpful in detoxifying the jab. Stay tuned!
This will be an ongoing conversation looking into all the different types of natural remedies so that all who have taken the injection can fully heal.
I'd like to give a special mention and thank you to Kathy for sharing her findings with me. I'm super grateful for the work she's doing and for the absolute bravery in speaking up about her findings. Most importantly, for her relentless search in finding a way for those who have taken the injection to detox and heal. Thank-you a million times over. (For any incorrect terminology I apologise to Kathy. All mistakes are mine).
If you've been harmed by this injection or know someone who has, I'm sending you massive amounts of love.
May we all take a WHOLE-istic approach to health - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Finding what works for you in all areas of life so that you can be a high-vibin, fully functioning human who expresses your special gifts.
We need Healthy Whole Humans to create this new world and move it forward. I hope we can do this together as a community that helps and supports each other.
With a whole lotta love
*Healthy Whole Humans do not endorse or are aligned with any Australian political party
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