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Healthy Whole Humans



Community Learning Hubs

A new vision of family and community is being born.

Our community hubs support family, creating spaces for little humans to express their unique gifts with their parents and like-hearted humans who are active participants in the ongoing growth of a child's life.

Families are humanity’s life force, and a healthy family positively displays this creativity and love. Communities made up of healthy families are the framework for creating a vibration of love and kindness across the planet. As we move into this new vision, we will redefine what family really means.

Families will no longer be isolated and separate but be a collective supportive community that unites us all.

Friendships formed through families and community is the glue that holds humanity together.

We create this new vision based on giving rather than controlling, embracing core principles such as supporting each other and the earth and nurturing humanity as a whole.

To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
— R Buckminster Fuller

Join our community here.

The family unit is the most powerful display of love through which humanity will be transformed.
— Richard Rudd


Placing childREN’S upbringing above all else

Children are being born with increased awareness and knowing, with higher activation of their DNA. These children need a new family, education, and community structure to support their collective awareness and gifts.

We must prioritise children’s early upbringing above all other factors.

The love of a child for its parent and a parent for their child is the purest display of love in the universe. Using this blueprint of love contained within a healthy whole family, we create a new society based on the empowerment of this love.

The new family, education, and community structure will be crucial to supporting our coming generations.

When children are nurtured by both mothers and fathers and both parents are healthy and whole, rather than torn apart by stress, work demands, and their own inner traumas, children will come into the world emotionally balanced.

When we build a civilisation based around the view of an incarnating child, we will create a truly magical world.
— Richard Rudd

For children to live in loving communities that encourage them to playfully engage in life, so that they can express and share their gifts.


Let Children Be Who They Truly Are



Our community hubs support the new family.

Little humans will have a place to nurture their unique gifts, with parents and like-hearted humans being active participants in the ongoing growth of children’s lives.

Community Learning Hubs will swap:

family and community
test with trades
teachers with experts
classroom with experiences

A brighter future awaits!


People are less than whole unless they gather themselves voluntarily into groups of souls in harmony. Gathering themselves to pursue individual, family, and community dreams consistent with their private humanity is what makes them whole.
— john taylor gatto

Wonderful humans doing great things for children


Three teachers who left the school system share how they've contributed to creating a better world for little humans around them.


Fayez and his team in Lebanon are creating an education model that can be replicated in One Small Town's around the world. They have a fresh way of teaching kids that sounds like lots of fun!


a better world awaits…
