Common Misconceptions About School And Parents Ability To Teach


What's a misconception?

Misconception. noun. mis·​con·​cep·​tion: 

  • a wrong or mistaken idea

  • an idea that is wrong because it has been based on a failure to understand a situation


If you're anything like me, you would have been wrong about a few (many) things. Over the last decade, I've come to terms with how much I've been lied to about practically everything! I had to re-learn from scratch, questioning everything as I go.

I encourage you to do the same. Question everything, even what I write and share. My intention is to share ideas and topics so you can choose what inspires you or gets thrown away. Let your curiosity draw you to different areas to see where it takes you. 

My curiosities have taken me on a plethora of tangents. I like to know things, all things, as much as I can. I share topics from different areas because they all interest me. If it interests me, it might interest you, and if you feel compelled enough to act on it.

For the last few years, along with diving into wholistic health, I've dug into the schooling system, mainly because I want to contribute to creating a better world. Getting to the root cause of some of our problems helped me decide how best to do that. Focusing on children is a priority! Looking after children to give them the best possible environment to express their gifts and be emotionally balanced and aligned, means these little humans grow into fully functioning big humans. 

Who spends the most time with children in their most precious years?

schools raise your children

School might be the best scenario for your child. But it also might not be.

Have you pondered it?

Have you questioned who instils their values and beliefs into your little human?

I've written about the history of the school system here and here. And made a video about it here.

homesechool children

And why are those who choose an alternate education pathway to school shamed and vilified?

Could there be misconceptions about home education and home learning?

government facilities
not co parenting with the government
inspired by nature

Could there be another way, a better way?

community education

If not the current school system, then what?

A new vision of family and community is being born.

Families are humanity’s life force, and a healthy family positively displays this creativity and love. Communities made up of healthy families are the framework for creating a vibration of love and kindness across the planet. As we move into this new vision, we will redefine what family really means.

Families will no longer be isolated and separate but be a collective supportive community that unites us all.

Friendships formed through families and community is the glue that holds humanity together.

We create this new vision based on giving rather than controlling, embracing core principles such as supporting each other and the earth and nurturing humanity as a whole.

childhood play
cooking is learning

Another misconception is that you need to be qualified to teach your child.

power of parents
safe home

What if we all came together and created something better for children?

community connection

Let's have the conversations to create something that will nurture children to express their innate gifts and grow into fully functioning, Healthy Whole Humans.

give children space to fly

Let's continue to unravel and question misconceptions so that we can all grow, evolve and create something better!

With a whole lotta love

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