Some Of Your Questions And Their Answers


What was your motivation for starting Healthy Whole Humans?

I wanted to get the root cause of how children who are born with abundant creativity, curiosity and aligned with their intuition turned into adults who lack spark and are so obedient.

The plandemic was perfect to observe how people did what they were told without asking questions or listening to their intuition. I know people who didn’t feel right about what was going on, wearing masks, getting the jab, etc., but they went along with it anyway and did what they were told, so it got me thinking—how did we get here?

Tania Aebi quote

School is one of the places where we’re first taught to do what we’re told, which disconnects us from our intuition and knowing. I’ve made a video on my YouTube channel explaining the true intention of schooling, and John Taylor Gatto has written books about it.

John Taylor Gatto quote

Parents have gone through the system like most adults and so have been conditioned to not cause a fuss or be seen to be causing trouble and to do what the person on TV, in a white jacket, or standing at the front of a room tells us. Unlearning these habits and behaviours seems to be a challenge for most, but if we focus on nurturing children to keep their question-asking up, their joy of life, and their creativity into adulthood, then we have a population of humans who are heart-centred, passionate, happy humans, which makes it a better world to live in.

What’s going on in schools?

Let’s talk about the true intention of schooling again if you’re unaware of why compulsory (forced) school was invented and how it came to be.

We still use the Prussian system, not Russia; Prussia is a German state on the southeast coast of the Baltic Sea. The philosophy of that system, from their mission statement written in 1906, was designed to produce;

  • mediocre intellects

  • deny students notable leadership skills and,

  • to ensure docile and incomplete citizens

Basically, they wanted a society that would follow orders and do as they were told so that the population could be managed. The Prussian system’s goal was to create soldiers and enslave people; today, it’s employees and consumers.

Before this system was adopted and implemented (during the agrarian age), most people were entrepreneurs, e.g., butchers, bakers, and small business owners. However, the industrial age demanded employees, so in the 1800s, the government made school compulsory and adopted the Prussian system to produce mass employees. Schools still use this same system, producing mass employees and mindless consumers.

In 1903, John D Rockefeller set up the General Education Board. Max Mason, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, announced a comprehensive national program to allow the control of human behaviour. And the US Commissioner of Education from 1886 to 1906, William Torrey Harris, said school is -

“The tool to build such a society was psychological alienation. To alienate children from themselves so they could no longer turn inward for strength, to alienate them from families, traditions, religious, cultures – so no outside source figure could contradict the will of the political state. School should develop the power to withdraw from the external world.”

John Taylor Gatto quote

With all that knowledge you now have about why compulsory schooling came to be, let’s return to the question – What’s going on in schools?

You can see for yourself this system is still being used today.

In school, you’re taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think or listen to your heart and intuition. You’re taught to memorise the dots and regurgitate them back, not to connect them, question them, or make new dots. Just learn, memorise and repeat back to get a good grade and feel smart. And to do it quickly, there’s a curriculum that needs to be ticked off, and there’s no space for play and for children to take responsibility for their own learning.

memorise the dots

The best place to confuse or steer a generation in the direction you want it to go is through the schooling system. In some states in Australia, this system can remove a child from their home if they feel the parent is not complying with the school’s agenda and ideologies. How crazy is that? One of those agendas is the gender campaign. And I chose this topic because it directly impacts health and connection within the family. First, there’s no way a whole generation came up with this alone! The marketing and media campaign behind this is another billion-dollar industry. This campaign is disseminating the family unit and the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of the child by;

  • potentially eliminating reproduction through hormone blockers, making them sterile

  • alienating family, friends and community

Teachers who regurgitate the material they’ve been told to teach must speak up. Parents must step in to protect their little humans.


Why focus on ‘health’ and ‘community connection’?

I asked myself what the biggest factor is in preventing humans – big and small – from living a life they love and are excited about. For me, two factors are keeping people stuck they’re;

1.      Chemicals and toxins in food, products, water, medicine, etc. These poisons affect your mood, emotions, and development. They make you sick, and when you’re sick you sink into fear - the opposite of love. These chemicals block your pineal gland, which connects you to your intuition. These poisons contribute to numbing humans, as does point (2) below;

2.      Disconnection from yourself, nature, and loving relationships. Phones, TV, social media are chewing into our time with actual humans and draining our energetics. “On average, people spend 5-6 hours a day on their phone, not including work-related smartphone use, and they check it 58 times a day.” So, when are people self-reflecting and connecting with others if they’re working 8 hours and on the phone for 6 hours?

mind control through fear

What does GOOD health look like to you?

Health can get confused or mixed up with weight. Because of the diet culture, which is a $71 billion industry, people may associate weight loss with health, but that’s not how I see it.

Health is about what you put into your body physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. It’s about being aligned with your intuition. Listening to what it says because it’s always talking to you, and when you remember to listen, you realise it doesn’t want take-away; it wants veggies. It doesn’t want to sit in front of the TV for 5 hours; it wants to be in the sun.

The more you connect with your heart instead of reacting to what you’ve been conditioned to believe and do what everyone else is doing, you’ll find that you know exactly how to be healthy in all areas of your life.

Paulo Colheo quote

what impact do phones/devices have on the family unit?

Do you see it? People are looking down at their phones at restaurants, bus stops, and walking in the street.

Parents have it at the dinner table; it’s the first thing they look at, and they fall asleep on it at night. Children are plugged in before they can walk.

baby on a phone

How is that level of addiction healthy? How is that reliance on a device outside of yourself good for you?

When you’re having a face-to-face conversation with someone and their phone pings, and they choose to read that notification or answer that call rather than engage with the person they’re with, we have a huge problem.

How does a child build an intimate, trusting, loving relationship with a parent whose phone is a priority over theirs?

parent on the phone

Every time you choose the phone or device and stare at the TV rather than making eye contact with a human being, that relationship diminishes. Where you focus your energy, it grows. And if it’s not with the people in your family, then those relationships will most likely fade.

How do we move out of the old, and into something better that creates a loving, connected family?

Turn off the TV. Especially the news.

turn off the news

Tune out of the media machine telling you how to be and what to do. Stop looking for an authority outside of yourself. You are the expert of you. You are an amazing creative, curious, human – go be more of that.

turn off the TV
stop watching the news

If you have a 3-year-old or know one, go hang out with them for inspiration. They know joy, how to play and be completely in the moment. Be more like them.

What are you doing to help families be healthy and stay connected?

Helping parents and children remember they are Healthy Whole Humans, and to connect with their curiosity and creativity. As a reminder nudge, I’ve created family workshops about health and connection.

My big vision is to create family-driven communities where families build resources needed for the community to thrive independently without government intervention. A place where children can have first-hand and real-life experiences to grow and evolve. To follow their curiosity and creativity so they can share their unique gifts.

fully functioning humans

For families wanting to make a change, what do you suggest?

Start with your environment, including the shows you watch, who you spend time with, and your social media feeds.

  • Turn off the TV, especially the news, and put down your phone.

  • Hang out with high-vibe humans - where you can be all of you.

  • Eat nutritional food and drink clean water - health is an inside job.

Let your heart choose what you put into your body emotionally, spiritually, energetically, and physically. The simple things you do every day create positive change in your home.

real luxuries in life

What happens if we stay on the current path we’re on? (big pharma, devices, gender ideologies)

More of the chaos we’re experiencing now. More disease, sickness, war, addiction. More ‘solutions’ that are worse than the symptoms.

For example, with health, the pharmaceutical industry has had the opportunity to help make people healthy, and all it is doing is making them sicker, reliant on drugs (cash cows) and training people to look outside themselves to heal.

I see a population of people sitting at home glued to their TV and phone, who are depressed and lonely.

What would the world look like if parents/families choose another (better) way?

I see diseases and illnesses disappearing

I see people doing work they absolutely love

I see children laughing, playing and being creative geniuses

I see us taking control of our life and choosing how we live it

Spending time with people we love and who love us, having fun, laughing

With a whole lotta love

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