New Video: How To Create A Better World For Families
Sooooooo excited to share our VISION video with you!
Healthy Whole Humans vision needed a visual, to help you imagine a world for kids without timetables, bells, fenced-in buildings, permission slips, homework, 6-hour desk sitting, florescent lighting, extra-curricular activities, crammed classrooms, processed food, standardised uniforms, tests..... and that's just some of the physical stuff, no need to delve into the emotional - you get the gist.
Healthy Whole Humans was inspired to create a better world for kids. When you stop looking outside of yourself for love, validation and feeling complete - life transforms into a fun adventure. The world we want for kids is love, truth, and transparency. One with nature and Source.
A world different from the only one you've known. A better world.
Here is our VISION on how we can do just that.
History shows why the schooling system was invented; it's not a lovely truth to uncover, especially if you're involved (or have been) in the system and genuinely want to help kids. This is not about the good people within the system, of which plenty exist. This is about stopping for a hot minute, getting honest and open to see how the system is treating kids and the effects it's having on them emotionally, mentally and physically.
Healthy Whole Humans is about reimagining how your kids can evolve and grow moving forward - the environment, people, and experiences.
Children are Healthy Whole Humans – our mission is to keep it that way. A world filled with Healthy Whole Humans (adults and kids) is a fabulous place to be!
If you’re one of the many who knows the current system is not serving your child in the best possible way, please connect. Together we can create something better.
With a whole lotta love,
Bonita x
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