Indoctrinating Children Into The Schooling System


Everywhere you look children are tired, cranky, disconnected, stressed, bullied, and put on medications for illnesses that either doesn’t exist or are just a band-aid solution.

Kids are in class being fed confusing, inappropriate topics they're too young to be exposed to.

Why do we continue to stand by and let this happen?

Visionary Michael Tellinger has an explanation; "we are not even aware of it because we were born into this system, we have not known anything else, and we believe that things cannot work otherwise."

Yes, we have been - we've been lied to and indoctrinated into the system brilliantly. Because it works so well, you don't know it's happened. It's an excellent system for producing various employees and consumers who do exactly as they are told. It's done a stellar job of, wouldn't you say?

It's time to create a NEW way forward.

It's time to be courageous.

We can no longer sit back and watch these beautiful little humans lose their spark to the system.

Why aren't children -

  • Outside exerting their energy?

  • Drawing, painting, being creative?

  • Learning about foods and plants that heal instead of harmful pharmaceuticals?

  • Spending most of their time with mother nature and connecting with her peace?

Kids being born now are coming in very knowledgeable, with high consciousness. They won't tolerate the mind torturing that goes on. They just won't sit at school against their intuition and put themselves through the same suffering we did.

Best we create something better for them!

Our vision at Healthy Whole Humans is simple - we're creating a better world for kids, by the kids, with family and community at the heart.

See our bright future here.

Will you help bring it to life?

Instead of fighting the existing system, we have chosen to reimagine a new way forward, to create something better that's made FOR kids.

Many people are already creating the new, including One Small Town, whose mission is to show people that we can achieve anything with cooperation and collaboration. Michel Tellinger says, "during this process, people will quickly discover that money does nothing, that people do everything and that a better world is possible provided that we roll up our sleeves and collaborate."

We couldn't agree more.

Share our vision; together, we'll create the new. 

With a whole lotta love,
Bonita x

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