More Than ‘One Way’ Forward To Create The New


Let's start with a quote from author and I suspect a time traveler with what he wrote decades ago.

The world will not be saved by old minds with new programs. If the world is saved, it will be saved by new minds - with no programs. If the world is saved, it will be saved because the people living in it have a new vision.
— Daniel Quinn

A new vision?

A new way for us to be in this world?

Well, there's got to be more than working a ton of stressful hours saving for a mediocre retirement. No thanks!

retirement quote

But what will this vision be?

What will it look and feel like?

How do we make things the way we want them to be?

Here's the GREAT news, you get to create it, you choose how we'll move forward.

It's people like you who are;

  • Actively participating,

  • Disengaging from what no longer serves you,

  • Finding peace in the chaos to consciously decide - who you want to spend time with, what lights you up, and most importantly, how to be more of who you truly are so you can share your gifts with the world!

There's more than one way to create the new. After years of being conditioned to think, feel, act the same, fit in with the majority, and go with the flow, we've got some unlearning to do.

I had a conversation with psychologist Jamie about the roles we can play, the things we don't want to do, and how to co-exist in harmony while we work it out.

Jamie shares compassionate advice about the importance of listening to others and understanding their perspectives without the need to impose one's own opinions. He highlights the value of respecting different approaches to achieving common goals, focusing on the significance of active participation and positive energy in creating a supportive community.

We talk about our shared desire for a better world and the different ways to contribute towards it. Small contributions can collectively make a significant impact!

The intention of this conversation is for more acceptance and respect for differing opinions and ways of life.


Everyone is welcome to create the new - but you need to ENGAGE and PARTICIPATE in creating it.

What's your vision for this new world?

Are you sitting on the sidelines waiting for someone else to build your new world, or are you making conscious choices to build a life you love?

What life do you want to create for you and your family? Because that will be the life you end up living.

We started with a quote; now let's finish with what Daniel Quinn teaches, “that no single person is going to save the world. Rather (if it's saved at all), it will be saved by millions (and ultimately billions) of us living in a new way. A thousand living in a new way won't cause the dominant world order to topple. But that thousand will inspire a hundred thousand, who will inspire a million, who will inspire a billion - and then that world order will begin to look shaky!”

Build a world you're excited about!

With a whole lotta love

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