Children Are The Ultimate Natural Leaners


Today is a message about the little humans in your life and their curious, creative nature.

Small children are the most powerful learning engines in the known universe.

They effortlessly learn as many languages as are spoken in their household. They do no homework, they have no tests, no grades.

The learning of small children is limited only by what they’re able to see, hear, smell, and get their hands on.
— Daniel Quinn

How true is that?!

children laughing

These little humans are learning machines, absorbing everything around them. Then, they get sent to sit in a classroom for 6 hours a day, and their curiosity slowly disappears. It's just so sad.

We're getting dumber... yes, with all this 'smart’ technology we’re dumber (and number) than ever.

While browsing the op-shop in a little country town, I found these books published in 1940. That wasn't long ago, but so much has digressed since then.

1940 fifth-grade book
1940 fifth grade book

Fifth-grade math taught in the 1850s is what is now being taught to year 12s!

Let's compare fifth-grade math questions from 1940 with 2024* (respectively)...

* 2024 math's questions from Ezy Math Tutoring

1940 math question
2024 grade 5 math question

1950 math questions for year 5
2024 year 5 math question

1940 math question
2023 math question year 5

The entire education system needs an overhaul. 

Being able to regurgitate something from a textbook doesn't make you wise. 

Let's create spaces where learning is an experience individually tailored and where children feel completely free to be who they are.

Let's swap:

  • Compulsory school with community hubs

  • Tests with apprenticeships and trades

  • Teachers with skilled, passionate experts

  • Classrooms with experiences


First-hand and real-life experiences are a surefire way to engage children (and families) with their curiosity, creativity, and connection—the 3Cs!

The three C's

The 3C’s is a model every human can use to grow into the amazing human they are. It’s especially useful for supporting little humans remember their gifts, I also use it to create all of my workshops.

Together with other like-hearted families, choose what world you want to create for your children! Read more about our vision on Communities for Healthy Whole Humans.

John holt homeschool

With a whole lotta love

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