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Community Connection and Wholistic Health For Families

family laughing.png


We’re here to create family-driven communities where families build resources needed for the community to thrive independently without government intervention. A place where children can have first-hand and real-life experiences to grow and evolve. To follow their curiosity and creativity so they can express their unique gifts. You can read more about that here.

An idea of what it could look like is in this short video, but really it’s up to you and your community and how you want it to be.

The family unit is the most powerful display of love through which humanity will be transformed.
— Richard Rudd

Being a Healthy Whole Human is taking full responsibility of your life.

It’s engaging in what’s not working to make it better.

It’s a fully functioning human who engages with their community with kindness and joy.


spirit, body, mind, emotions


fully functioning & aligned


high-vibin intuitive beings

Bonita Capuano
Hi! I'm Bonita
(here to cheer you on and do some good)

Hi, I’m Bonita and I help families with children overcome the feared isolation and at times, daunting mission of home-educating their children. I also offer support and tools through my workshops to tackle unhealthy habits and relationships.

As a result you'll feel confident, supported, and part of a community that’s aligned with your integrity.

One of my gifts is breaking through old ways of seeing things and offering a new, revolutionary point of view. 

By sharing knowledge and information you can discern for yourself how best to improve your and your family’s relationships, health, and well-being.



Each pillar has a plethora of information and tools to help you and your family get healthy and stay connected! This book is a peak into each pillar and a great ‘starter kit’ on your path to ultimate health!

4 Pillars of wholistic health
4 pillars of wholistic health
4 pillars of wholistic health
A physician once said, ‘The best medicine for humans is love.’ Someone asked ‘What if it doesn’t work?’ He smiled and said, ‘Increase the dose.’

the AIM is to

make better things,

and hopefully make things better

for you, your children and community.


* Angela is petitioning to have sexually explicit children’s books classified. Download the petition here. Post completed petitions to: P.O box 643 Magill, SA 5072


Volunteer donations go towards ongoing costs of maintaining platforms and materials that go into sharing information and resources with you.

Your contribution is very much appreciated.

thank you for donations

With love, Bonita xx

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a better future awaits…
